I create one-panel comics about absurd situations, and here are my top 20 works

Hi guys, my name is Steven Garza. I am a professional stand-up comedian and joke-teller. I’m always looking for new ways to convey my jokes. For me, cartooning developed slowly. This was an idea I had been working on for years but had never paid attention to. Finally, after years of procrastination I decide to give it a try. The only problem was that I couldn’t draw. 7 years ago I went to Blick’s to buy a sketch pad and pencils. When I sat down at home and started drawing with a pencil on paper, I realized that this cartoon path would not be easy. Eventually, after years of practice with the help of “How To” books and countless pages of crumpled paper, I started posting them online. To my surprise, I received some positive feedback.

Fret Buzzed is a comic about two personalities. On one hand, the four-panel film follows the storyline of two middle-aged failed musicians desperately trying to keep their dreams alive while finding balance in their adult lives. Fret Buzzed’s single-panel gags are a different story. I use them for any out-of-the-box ideas that work better as non-sequiturs. Although sometimes these two concepts overlap. You can see characters from my four-panel strip appearing in my single panels. I look at these as Easter eggs for those familiar with my work. Readers familiar with the characters may see them in absurd situations outside the storyline.

Credit: Steven Garza








My biggest creative influence has been Matt Groening, creator of the comic strip Life in Hell and, of course, the greatest animated series of all time, The Simpsons. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to somehow be a part of the show The Simpsons. Not knowing how to do this, I decided to make my cartoon. I read that Mr. Groening began his career by posting his cartoons weekly in Los Angeles. I decided to try the same. Even though newspapers aren’t what they once were for cartoons, I started presenting Fret Buzzed. I still get excited every time I see my cartoon published in the newspaper.














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