Absurd and witty comics depicting ridiculous situations by Kvatch (20 new photos)

After a couple of months, Quatsch Cartoons returned to Bored Panda. Created by a Belgian illustrator, the series is known for featuring absurd and funny situations involving people, animals… and even aliens.

Previously, Dieter Bevers, the author of the series, told us more about the inspiration for his work. He admitted that much of this comes from real life: “Like, I’ll see or read something about school kids riding a bus, and there’s a voice in my head that says, ‘Hey, it would be fun if instead of just kids is there going to be an alien xenomorph on this school bus too and then I try to develop this idea into a cartoon.

Credit: Quatsch








We were also interested in how Bevers deals with creative blocks or moments of creative crisis. We found out I have not had a real writer’s block yet but if I ever did, I think I did try to keep creating and keep drawing. Even though the work you produce at such a time may not be good enough, it may generate other ideas that may ultimately lead to the creation of things that you think DO meet your standards. Of course, if you don’t feel like it, it won’t hurt to do something else for a while. This can “unblock” your creativity. Another thing that helps me is looking through my collection of sketches. I have many boxes of quick drawings that I have made over the years. When I look through my piles of old work, I always find something I want to develop. Or these sketches give rise to other ideas, resulting in new sketches that are added to the collection.”














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