20 New comics from the legendary Mark Parisi that can bring a smile to your face

Occasionally all we need is a good laugh to make our problems feel less bad. This is where humor comes to the deliverance, making us smile and forget about our problems, even if only for a short time.

still, you’ve come to the right place because Mark Parisi is back at Wearied Panda with his Off The Mark cartoons! These comics are filled with good humor and clever compliances that are sure to make you smile If you are looking to add a little joy to your day.

“ I have wanted to draw since I could hold a crayon. I was inspired by Charles Schulz and MAD Magazine, but it was not until Gary Larson came along that I realized what type of comics I should pursue. Now I’m inspired by everything that happens in life, from faves to pop culture to afflictions, ” the artist participated in a former interview with wearied Panda.

Credit: Mark Parisi




Mark has been creating cartoons for as long as he can flashback. “ I studied other forms of art, but I always knew that at heart I was a cartoonist. I live by combining words and filmland to tell a funny story. My thing is always to make you laugh or at least smile. I’m not sure I would have started drawing at each if I didn’t know how to use humor. ”



The Public Cartoonists Society presented Off the Mark with the award for Stylish Review Ridiculous in 2008, 2011, 2017, and 2020. In 2013, they chose him as the stylish greeting card comic. In 2022, Mark entered another award for his greeting cards the Louis Award. Mark’s cards are vented by colorful companies similar to Recycled Paper Felicitations, American Felicitations, Oatmeal Studios, and NobleWorks.
















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