The Impossible Wish

One sunny day, a man is walking along a beautiful California beach when something shiny catches his eye in the sand.

Curious, he bends down and brushes away the grains,

revealing what looks like an old, dusty lamp. Thinking it’s worth a try, he gives it a rub.

To his shock, a genie suddenly appears in a puff of smoke and says, “I will grant you one wish.”

The man, still surprised, thinks for a moment.

“I have plenty of money, so I don’t need that,” he says.

“But there is one thing I’ve always wanted. I’m terrified of flying,

and I get terrible seasickness, so I’ve never been able to visit Hawaii.

My wish is for a bridge from California to Hawaii so I can drive there.”

The genie frowns and shakes his head.

“Sorry, building a bridge across the Pacific Ocean is beyond even my magical abilities.

The complexity is too great. Please, make another wish.”

The man thinks for a while and finally says, “Okay. Well, despite all my success in life,

I’ve never found true love. My relationships always seem to go wrong, and I just don’t understand women.

My wish is to finally understand women.”

The genie pauses for a moment, then looks at the man with a wry smile and says,

“Two lanes or four on that bridge?”

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